Show Resource

ShowSingleResourceRequest abstraction is intended for when a single resource must be shown.

Example Request

use Aedart\Http\Api\Requests\Resources\ShowSingleResourceRequest;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use App\Models\User;

class ShowUser extends ShowSingleResourceRequest
    public function findRecordOrFail(): Model
        return User::findOrFail($this->route('id'));

    public function mustEvaluatePreconditions(): bool
        return true;

Example Action

Route::get('/users/{id}', function (ShowUser $request) {
    return UserResource::make($request->record)


Authorisation checks is performed by the authorizeFoundRecord() method (see source code for details). The request will check against a show ability. From the above shown examples, a ability is checked.

Request Preconditions

To enable evaluation of requested preconditions, the mustEvaluatePreconditions() method must return true.

// ...inside your request...

public function mustEvaluatePreconditions(): bool
    return true;

The request abstraction will take care of the rest. The found record (your Eloquent Model) will be wrapped into a Resource Content, and requested preconditions are automatically evaluated.

ETag and Last-Modified Date

When a record is found, and it supports etags, a strong etag is automatically obtained and passed further to the ResourceContent. The same is true for a last modified date (typically your model's updated_at property). To configure this behaviour, overwrite getRecordEtag() and/or getRecordLastModifiedDate().

use Aedart\Contracts\ETags\ETag;
use Aedart\Http\Api\Requests\Resources\ShowSingleResourceRequest;
use DateTimeInterface;

class ShowUser extends ShowSingleResourceRequest
    // ...previous not shown...

    public function getRecordEtag(): ETag|null
        // The found record...
        $record = $this->record;
        // Return valid etag for record - not shown here...

    public function getRecordLastModifiedDate(): DateTimeInterface|null
        // The found record...
        $record = $this->record;
        // Return valid last modified date for record - not shown here...

Resource Context

By default, a Generic Resource instance is used for wrapping the found record into a resource context. The wrapResourceContext() method is responsible for this.

use Aedart\Contracts\ETags\ETag;
use Aedart\Contracts\ETags\Preconditions\ResourceContext;
use DateTimeInterface;

// ...inside your request...

public function wrapResourceContext(
    mixed $record,
    ETag|null $etag = null,
    DateTimeInterface|null $lastModifiedDate = null
): ResourceContext
    // Return a Resource Context for the found record - not shown here...


To use custom actions, overwrite the preconditionActions().

use Aedart\Contracts\ETags\Preconditions\Actions;
use App\Http\Users\Preconditions\UserActions;

// ...inside your request...

public function preconditionActions(): Actions|null
    return new UserActions();


The default supported preconditions are used, when evaluation is enabled for your request. To add additional preconditions (extensions), use the additionalPreconditions() method.

use App\Http\Preconditions\IfAuthor;

// ...inside your request...

public function additionalPreconditions(): array
    return [


Lastly, if your request needs additional configuration of the Evaluator instance, then you can overwrite the makePreconditionsEvaluator() method.

use Aedart\Contracts\ETags\Preconditions\Evaluator;

// ...inside your request...

public function makePreconditionsEvaluator(): Evaluator
    $evaluator = parent::makePreconditionsEvaluator();

    // ...configure evaluator... not shown here...
    return $evaluator;


See the source code of \Aedart\Http\Api\Requests\Concerns\HttpConditionals for additional details.