
Register Service Provider

Register HttpClientServiceProvider inside your config/app.php.

return [

    // ... previous not shown ... //

    | Autoloaded Service Providers

    'providers' => [


        // ... remaining services not shown ... //

Publish Assets

Run vendor:publish to publish this package's assets.

php artisan vendor:publish

After the command has completed, you should see the following configuration file in your /configs directory:

  • http-clients.php

Publish Assets for Athenaeum Core Application

If you are using the Athenaeum Core Application, then run the following command to publish assets:

php {your-cli-app} vendor:publish-all


In your /config/http-clients.php configuration, you should see a list of "profiles". Feel free to add as many profiles as your application requires.

Each profile consists of two keys:

  • driver: Class patch to the Http Client "driver" to be used.
  • options: Http Client options.

You can use Guzzle's Request Optionsopen in new window, for each client profile.

return [

    // ... previous not shown

     | Http Client Profiles

    'profiles' => [

        'default' => [
            'driver'    => \Aedart\Http\Clients\Drivers\DefaultHttpClient::class,
            'options'   => [

                'data_format' => \GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::FORM_PARAMS,                
                'grammar-profile' => env('HTTP_QUERY_GRAMMAR', 'default'),

        'json' => [
            'driver'    => \Aedart\Http\Clients\Drivers\JsonHttpClient::class,
            'options'   => [
                'grammar-profile' => 'json_api',

        // Add your own profiles... e.g. a preconfigured json http client
        'flights-api-client' => [
            'driver'    => \Aedart\Http\Clients\Drivers\JsonHttpClient::class,
            'options'   => [
                'base_uri' => '',
                'grammar-profile' => 'odata',
    // ... remaining not shown ...

Http Query Grammars

Each Http Client profile can specify it's desired Http Query Grammars profile to use. The following grammars are offered by default:

You can find a matching profile, inside your config/http-clients.php, where you may change any of the available options.


return [
    // ... previous not shown ...

    'profiles' => [

        'json' => [
            'driver' => \Aedart\Http\Clients\Drivers\JsonHttpClient::class,
            'options' => [
                // Http Query grammar profile to use
                'grammar-profile' => 'json_api',

     | Http Query Grammars

    'grammars' => [

        'profiles' => [

            'json_api' => [
                'driver' => \Aedart\Http\Clients\Requests\Query\Grammars\JsonApiGrammar::class,
                'options' => [

                    'datetime_format' => \DateTimeInterface::ISO8601,
                    'date_format' => 'Y-m-d',
                    'year_format' => 'Y',
                    'month_format' => 'm',
                    'day_format' => 'd',
                    'time_format' => 'H:i:s',

                    // ... remaining not shown ...

            // ... remaining not shown ...