

id() returns an integer id for the stream's underlying resource. See get_resource_id()open in new window for details.

$stream = FileStream::open('pets.txt', 'r');

echo $stream->id(); // 1330


The stream's mode can be determined via the mode() method.

$stream = FileStream::open('bills.txt', 'w+b');

echo $stream->mode(); // w+b

See stream_get_meta_data()open in new window for details.


The stream's filename or URI can be obtained using uri().

$stream = FileStream::open('https://example.com/books', 'r+b');

echo $stream->uri(); // https://example.com/books

See stream_get_meta_data()open in new window for details.


Resource Type

To determine the type of the underlying resource, use the type() method.

$stream = FileStream::open('pets.txt', 'r');

echo $stream->type(); // stream

See get_resource_type()open in new window for more information.

Stream Type

To determine the stream type, use streamType().

$stream = FileStream::open('pets.txt', 'r');

echo $stream->streamType(); // STDIO

See stream_get_meta_data()open in new window for details.

Stream Wrapper Type

The stream's wrapper type can be determined via wrapperType().

$stream = FileStream::open('pets.txt', 'r');

echo $stream->wrapperType(); // plainfile

See stream_get_meta_data()open in new window for details.

Wrapper Data

wrapperData() can be used for obtaining stream wrapper's data.

$stream = FileStream::open('https://www.google.com', 'r');

echo $stream->wrapperData(); // ...not shown here...

See stream_get_meta_data()open in new window for details.

Blocking Mode

To set the stream's blocking mode, use setBlocking(). Furthermore, use blocked() to determine if the stream is blocked.

$stream = FileStream::open('houses.txt', 'r+b')

echo $stream->blocked(); // true

See PHP's stream blocking modeopen in new window for additional information.


The setTimeout() can be used to set the stream's timeout, whereas the timedOut() can be used to determine if a stream has timed out.

It accepts two arguments:

  • int $seconds: Seconds part of the timeout to be set.
  • int $microseconds: (optional) microseconds part of the timeout to be set.
$stream = FileStream::open('houses.txt', 'r+b')
    ->setTimeout(1, 50);

echo $stream->timedOut(); // false

See stream_set_timeout()open in new window for more information.

Local or Remote

To determine if a stream is "local" or "remote", use the isLocal() and isRemote() methods.

$a = FileStream::open('https://www.google.com', 'r');
$b = FileStream::open('books.txt', 'r');

echo $a->isLocal(); // false
echo $b->isLocal(); // true

echo $a->isRemote(); // true
echo $b->isRemote(); // false

PHP's stream_is_local()open in new window is used to determine if a stream is local or remote.


For additional utility methods, please review the source code the provided stream components.