
Enable Recording Changes

In your Eloquent model, add the RecordsChanges trait, to enable automatic recording of changes.

namespace Acme\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Aedart\Audit\Concerns;

class Category extends Model
    use Concerns\ChangeRecording;

Whenever you change the model's attributes and save the changes, a new audit trail record will be stored in the database.

Retrieve Audit Trail

To retrieve an audit trail, for your model, you can use the recordedChanges() relationship methodopen in new window.

$changes = $category

Customise Recorded Changes

There are a number of ways that you can customise the data / attributes that will be recorded. In this section, some of them are briefly introduced.

Hide Attributes

If your model processes sensitive attributes, e.g. passwords, and you do not wish to be included in an audit trail entry, then you can hide it by defining it in the $hiddenInAuditTrail property.

class User extends Model
    use Concerns\ChangeRecording;
    protected array|null $hiddenInAuditTrail = [

Alternatively, you may also define attributes to be hidden by overwriting the attributesToHideForAudit() method.

class User extends Model
    use Concerns\ChangeRecording;
    public function attributesToHideForAudit(): array
        return [
            // ...etc

Format Attributes

The formatChangedData() enables you to format attributes before they are stored within an audit trail record. The first argument contains the filtered attributes (attributes intended to be saved in audit trail record). The second argument ($type) is the name of the event, e.g. created, updated, deleted, restored, force-deleted... etc.

class Category extends Model
    use Concerns\ChangeRecording;
    public function formatChangedData(array|null $filtered, string $type): array|null
        if (isset($filtered['name'])) {
            $filtered['name'] = strtolower($filtered['name']);
        return $filtered;

Skip a Recording

In situations when you wish to skip recording an audit trail entry, e.g. for a single operation, use the skipRecordingNextChange() method.

        'name' => 'Products',



For additional possibilities to format and customise audit trail entries, please review the source code of \Aedart\Audit\Concerns\ChangeRecording.