List Resolver

In situations when you need to resolve a list of instances, e.g. a list of filters, the ListResolver component can help you out.


Laravel's Service Container must be available in your application.


use Aedart\Container\ListResolver;

$list = [

// Resolve list of dependencies
$filters = (new ListResolver())->make($list);

Behind the scene, the make()open in new window method is used to resolve the list of dependencies. This means that even if your components have nested dependencies, then these too will be resolved.


To provide arguments for a dependency, you can use an array of key-value pairs. Consider the following:

use Aedart\Container\ListResolver;

$list = [
    \Acme\Filters\ApplySorting::class => [
        'sortBy' => 'age',
        'direction' => 'desc'

// Resolve list of dependencies
$filters = (new ListResolver())->make($list);

In the above example, the ApplySorting component will be instantiated with two arguments; sortBy and direction.

Apply Callback

You may also provide a custom callback to be invoked, for each resolved instance. This can be done so via the with() method.

use Aedart\Container\ListResolver;

$list = [

// Resolve list of dependencies
$filters = (new ListResolver())

            return $filter;


The callback MUST return a resolved instance.

Use Custom Container

If you wish to use a custom Service Container, then you can simply provide your custom instance as the constructor's argument.

use Aedart\Container\ListResolver;
use Acme\IoC\Container;

$resolver = new ListResolver(new Container());