Matching Processor

The MatchingProcessor is a complementary component to the constraints processor. It instructs how the constraint filters must be applied; using either a logical AND or via an OR operator.

By default, the processor maps the following identifiers to logical AND/OR operators:

  • all = AND operator
  • any = OR operator


Consider the following http query string:

  • ?filter[age][gt]=20&filter[created_at][gt]=2021-11-01&match=any

The resulting query will match results where age is greater than 20, or created_at is greater than 2021-11-01.


MatchingProcessor must be used in combination with the ConstraintsProcessor. Furthermore, you must specify the "meta" key in which the resulting logical operator is stored, on the "constraints" processor. See BuiltFiltersMap in the Processor documentation for additional information.

use Aedart\Filters\Processors\MatchingProcessor;
use Aedart\Filters\Processors\ConstraintsProcessor;

class UserFilterBuilder extends BaseBuilder
    public function processors(): array
        return [
            'match' => MatchingProcessor::make(),
            'filters' => ConstraintsProcessor::make()
                // ...additional constraints setup not shown...
            // ...etc

Change identifiers

If the default all and any identifiers are not to your liking, then you may change them via the allows() method. It accepts a string identifier and the logical boolean operator that the identifier must be mapped to.

use Aedart\Contracts\Database\Query\FieldCriteria;

return [
    'match' => MatchingProcessor::make()
        ->allows('and', FieldCriteria::AND)
        ->allows('or', FieldCriteria::OR)