
Creating aware-of helpers can be a tiresome task. To make it a bit easier for yourself, you can use this package's generator. It is able to generate a series of interfaces and traits, based on a configuration file.


You must have Twig Template Engineopen in new window available in your project.

composer require twig/twig

Create Configuration File

To create the configuration file, use the dto:scaffold command. It will create a aware-of-properties.php file in your project directory

php vendor/bin/aware-of dto:scaffold


You can specify the directory of where the configuration file should be created, via the --output option.

See php vendor/bin/aware-of dto:scaffold -h for additional information.

Run Generate Command

Provided that you have edited your configuration and specified what aware-of helpers should be generated (covered later in this document), you can run the dto:create command.

The command expects a path to the configuration file that you wish to use.

php vendor/bin/aware-of dto:create aware-of-properties.php

Force Generate

To force create your aware-of helper, set the --force flag.

php vendor/bin/aware-of dto:create aware-of-properties.php --force


The --force will overwrite existing generated interfaces and traits!


In your configuration file, you will find a series settings that you can tinker with. Some of these are highlighted here. For full reference, please read the configuration file's internal comments.


Psr-4open in new window directory location, where aware-of properties are to be created.

return [
    'output'    => 'src/',
    // ... remaining not shown ... //


If you are not accustomed with this generator, try setting the output to a dummy directory, e.g. temp/, to ensure that all generated interfaces and traits to not conflict with your project's existing classes and directories.


Contains two series of namespaces to apply, when creating aware-of helpers; one for interfaces and one for traits.

return [
    'namespaces' => [

        'vendor' => 'Acme\\',

        'interfaces' => [

            'prefix'  => 'Contracts\\',

            // ... remaining not shown ... //

        'traits' => [

            'prefix'  => 'Traits\\',

            // ... remaining not shown ... //
    // ... remaining not shown ... //


Top-most prefix to apply on all generated namespaces.

return [
    'namespaces' => [

        'vendor' => 'Acme\\Dto\\',
        // ... remaining not shown ... //    
    // ... remaining not shown ... //


Contains a list of all the aware-of helpers that you wish to create.

return [
    // ... previous not shown ... //
    'aware-of-properties' => [

        stringProperty('name', 'Name of a person', 'name'),
        integerProperty('age', 'Age of a person', 'years'),
        // ... etc

In the above example, a few global helper methods are used to generate meta-information about the Aware-of helpers. Those methods accept the following arguments:

  • Name of property (aware-of component)
  • Description of property
  • Data Type, e.g. string, int, boolean... etc
  • (optionally) input argument name for the generated setter method

In the next section, you will find more information about these global helper methods.

Global Helpers Methods


Returns "string" aware-of property configuration (array).

return [
    // ... previous not shown ... //
    'aware-of-properties' => [

        stringProperty('name', 'Name of a person', 'name'),


Returns "integer" aware-of property configuration (array).

return [
    // ... previous not shown ... //
    'aware-of-properties' => [

        integerProperty('id', 'Identifier', 'identifier'),


Returns "float" aware-of property configuration (array).

return [
    // ... previous not shown ... //
    'aware-of-properties' => [

        floatProperty('price', 'Product price', 'value'),


Returns "boolean" aware-of property configuration (array).

return [
    // ... previous not shown ... //
    'aware-of-properties' => [

        booleanProperty('isRobot', 'State of player', 'state'),


Returns "array" aware-of property configuration (array).

return [
    // ... previous not shown ... //
    'aware-of-properties' => [

        arrayProperty('categories', 'List of categories', 'list'),


Returns "callable" aware-of property configuration (array).

return [
    // ... previous not shown ... //
    'aware-of-properties' => [

        callableProperty('scoreFn', 'Callback to handle score', 'callback'),


Returns "iterable" aware-of property configuration (array).

return [
    // ... previous not shown ... //
    'aware-of-properties' => [

        iterableProperty('players', 'List of players', 'players'),


Returns "mixed" aware-of property configuration (array).

return [
    // ... previous not shown ... //
    'aware-of-properties' => [

        mixedProperty('player', 'The player of this game', 'instance'),


The "mixed" type ensures that no type hinting is applied for the generated aware-of component.


Returns "DateTimeopen in new window" aware-of property configuration (array).

return [
    // ... previous not shown ... //
    'aware-of-properties' => [

        dateTimeProperty('created at', 'Date of creation', 'date'),


Returns an array of configuration that allows a generator to build an "aware-of property" component. It accepts four arguments;

  • string $property Name of property.
  • string $description Description of property.
  • string $dataType (optional) Property data type. Defaults to "string" if none given.
  • string|null $inputArgName (optional) Name of property input argument (for setter method). If null given, then input argument name is the same as the property name.
use Aedart\Contracts\Utils\DataTypes;

return [
    // ... previous not shown ... //
    'aware-of-properties' => [

        awareOfProperty('name', 'Name of a person', DataTypes::STRING_TYPE, 'value'),

Creating Your Own Type

By using the awareOfProperty() helper method, you will be able to create whatever type you desire. However, the generator will create the interface and trait into your configured namespaces.[interfaces|traits].prefix namespace, if it does not know a specific location for your type.

In order to determine the namespace of your type, you must add it to the list of namespaces, in your configuration. For instance, lets imaging that you create a new type, called Box and you that it's interfaces and traits are to be stored in the sub-namespace Boxes. To do so, add it inside the namespaces.[interfaces|traits]. settings.

use Aedart\Contracts\Utils\DataTypes;

return [
    'namespaces' => [

        // ... previous not shown ... //

        'interfaces' => [

            'prefix'  => 'Contracts\\',

            '\Box'                       => 'Boxes\\',
            DataTypes::STRING_TYPE      => 'Strings\\',
            // ... etc ... //

        'traits' => [

            'prefix'  => 'Traits\\',

            '\Box'                       => 'Boxes\\',
            DataTypes::STRING_TYPE      => 'Strings\\',
            // ... etc ... //


If the above example, the Box type is assumed to be some kind of class reference, in the top-most namespace. Should your desired type be class reference, then you must specify a full and valid namespace as the type!