
Laravel's Console Applicationopen in new window is used to enable command-line interfacing. It offers the ability to register and execute custom console commands.

Create Commands

To create a console command, extend the Command class.


namespace Acme\Console;

use \Illuminate\Console\Command;

class MyCommand extends Command
    protected $signature = 'test:my-command';

    protected $description = 'A simple test command';

    public function handle(): int
        $this->output->text('Hi there...');

        return 0;

For additional information about how to create console commands, please review Laravel's documentationopen in new window.


This package does not offer Laravel's make:command generator utility. If you wish to create console commands, then you have to do so manually.

Register Commands

You can register the command via the config/commands.php configuration file. Please review the Console Package's documentation for details.

Via Service Provider

Should you require more advanced console command registration, e.g. conditional registration, then you can do so via a Service Provider. In the boot() method, you can invoked the commands() method to register your desired commands.


namespace Acme\Console\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class MyConsoleServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot()
        // ... your logic / condition check ...


Once you have completed your service provider, register it in your /config/app.php configuration file.


return [
    // ... previous not shown ...

    'providers' => [